The Illustrated Jing Si Aphorisms

The Buddha says:

If you personally experience the Dharma
by practicing it in daily life,
you will immediately get results.
Only very wise people can experience the Dharma
just by reflecting inwardly.

No matter how high a mountain is, there is always a spring of water at the top. Water can run as high as any mountaintop or as low as any valley.

In other words, no matter how old people may be or how much education they may have, they all possess a compassionate nature and pure wisdom.

I want to spend my whole life promoting peace in this world.

Dharma Master Cheng Yen: “It is all right for young people to be far-sighted. However, as you move forward, remember to pay attention to the present. You can only reach your ideals by being realistic. If you want to promote world peace, you must start by cultivating your own mind. You must love yourself before you can love others.”

Translated by E. E. Ho and W. L. Rathje; drawings by Tsai Chih-chung; coloring by May E. Gu

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