Tzu Chi Event Highlights—June 13 to Aug. 24, 2024


The National Health Research Institutes upgraded its equipment and donated nearly a hundred used laptops and desktops to Tzu Chi’s recycled computer team in Hsinchu on June 13. The team will refurbish the devices and then distribute them to rural schools, low-income families, and disadvantaged groups. Since its formation in 2021, the Hsinchu computer team has distributed about a thousand computers, reaching recipients in Taiwan, Japan, Nepal, India, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, Argentina, and Mozambique.

The Philippines

Tzu Chi built a temporary housing village in Palo to help stabilize the lives of survivors after Super Typhoon Haiyan devastated the central Philippines in November 2013. Last year, on the 10th anniversary of the typhoon, Tzu Chi began the construction of permanent residences on the same site. The 1.5-hectare area now includes 60 housing units, a central kitchen, a vocational training center, and other facilities. The turnover ceremony on July 11 coincided with the start of a three-day free clinic that served 5,444 people from July 11 to July 13.


The COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant decline in tourism, severely affecting taxi drivers. During their most challenging times, Tzu Chi provided much-needed assistance. In gratitude, 143 drivers turned their appreciation into action by joining volunteer training. One such session took place on July 31.


Tzu Chi Indonesia, in collaboration with the Jakarta government, built permanent housing for the first time for the needy in Palmerah, West Jakarta. The project involved constructing a four-story building with nine units, each measuring 18 square meters (195 square feet). Construction began in October 2023, and the building was inaugurated on July 3 this year. Since 2006, Tzu Chi Indonesia’s poverty relief program has built a total of 1,433 housing units nationwide.

The United States

  • In the wake of Hurricane Beryl’s impact on southeast Texas on July 8, Tzu Chi Texas, partnering with the Houston Food Bank, provided over 400,000 pounds of supplies to families in need between July 10 and August 24.
  • The Park Fire in Northern California began on July 24. By early August, it had grown to be the fourth-largest wildfire in California’s history. Over four days—August 10, 11, 17, and 18—volunteers distributed emergency aid based on the extent of damage to homes as well as the size of the household. Cash cards valued between 300 and 1,200 U.S. dollars were provided to help survivors through their current difficulties.


Severe flooding hit the state of Rio Grande do Sul in April and May. In response, Tzu Chi donated supplies including rice, noodles, and flour in May. Volunteers revisited the disaster area in early August and are now focusing on aiding residents of São Leopoldo. Local clergy and community representatives are assisting in compiling recipient lists and organizing the distribution.

The United Kingdom

Burrows Court, a residential building in Nottingham, houses refugee families from over 20 countries, including more than a hundred minors. Tzu Chi has been providing care for residents for three years. This year, in addition to distributing shopping vouchers, they are focusing on educational support. They handed out school supplies in late July, held an English workshop in August, and plan to distribute school uniforms in September.


On June 28, Tzu Chi volunteers held a biannual dental clinic in Al Abasiyyah, benefiting 39 residents. For 20 years, Tzu Chi Jordan has cared for underserved Bedouin families in the area. They conduct two large-scale distributions each year and provide book bags and other school supplies to children in August before the school year starts. In addition, since November 2017, they have covered students’ breakfast costs and classroom heating expenses. For years now, they have also offered scholarships to university students.


Since 2022, amid the ongoing drought and conflict in Ethiopia, Tzu Chi has been collaborating with the local organization Kidmia Mahiber to provide food packages for displaced people, as well as meals and six months of medical assistance for vulnerable children under eight. From July to December this year, food packages have been or will be provided to 3,000 families affected by the conflict in the western region, along with daily meals for 1,350 children.


Severe flooding affected 90 percent of the country during the rainy season, from March to May. Tzu Chi, in collaboration with three partners, is assisting 14,400 households. Love Binti International has already distributed aid to 3,300 households across three regions. The Camillians began providing free medical services in slum areas on August 3. The Red Cross is preparing to provide medical services, health education, water purification supplies, food, and other daily necessities, with recipient lists being compiled for 10,000 households.


In 2019, Mozambique was severely impacted by Cyclone Idai. After providing large-scale emergency relief, Tzu Chi initiated medium- and long-term rebuilding efforts. Unfortunately, their efforts were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges. Tzu Chi is now constructing 13 primary and secondary schools in Beira, the capital of Sofala Province. A joint groundbreaking ceremony for these schools took place on June 14, and they are expected to be completed by 2025, with the capacity to serve 28,000 students. Additionally, Tzu Chi built 410 housing units in Metuchira, also in Sofala Province. The final group of these units was handed over on June 17. President Filipe Nyusi attended the event to witness the handover and offer his blessings.

South Africa

Volunteers carried out winter distributions in Primrose, Gauteng province, and KwaZulu-Natal province during June and July, which is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. They provided 2,550 ten-kilogram (22-pound) portions of rice from Taiwan, along with clothing and other supplies.

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