The Illustrated Jing Si Aphorisms

The Buddha says:

What can produce sufferings
such as worry, sorrow, bitterness, and anger,
and put them together in a world of delusion?
It is your own mind!

In spiritual cultivation, we must first work hard at cultivating our minds.

There are three major illnesses of the mind: greed, anger, and delusion. The purpose of spiritual cultivation is to get rid of these three.

Master Cheng Yen, I am going to Shanghai on business.

Shanghai is a prosperous metropolitan city. When you do business day in and day out in such a stimulating environment, make sure you take care of your own mind. Don’t be influenced by people who indulge in hedonistic and materialistic pleasures.

Translated by E. E. Ho and W. L. Rathje; drawings by Tsai Chih-chung; coloring by May E. Gu

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