Reach Out, Make a Difference

If we could all reach out to help, we would have a hundred, a thousand, even ten thousand pairs of hands to make the Earth cleaner. If everyone took action to benefit the environment, we would have a healthier Earth, climate change could be alleviated, and the impact of natural disasters reduced.

Mere words aren’t enough to solve the environmental problems our world is facing today. We need action. There are, for example, over 80,000 Tzu Chi recycling volunteers taking action in Taiwan. They collect and sort reusable garbage every day. Working together, they have reclaimed countless tons of recyclable material that can be used again. They are also protecting the Earth’s soil, water, and air by preventing such material from ending up in landfills or incinerators. The miracle they’ve created is a powerful example for all of us, showing us that it is not difficult to protect the environment. If we are willing, every one of us can make a difference and contribute to a cleaner, better world.

The hands pictured here belong to volunteer Huang Mei (黃梅). She took up recycling work after attending a public speech given by Dharma Master Cheng Yen in 1990. In that address, the Master encouraged the audience to use their applauding hands to sort out recyclables. Huang has been recycling now for 30 years, staying the course without ever wavering. Like her fellow Tzu Chi recycling volunteers—more than 110,000 around the world—she uses her hands and her actions to contribute to the sustainability of the planet.

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